Everything you need to know about setting up and using Monster Bot.
Adding Monster Bot to your Discord server is quick and easy. Follow these steps to get started:
Note: You must have the "Manage Server" permission to add bots to a Discord server.
When you add Monster Bot to your server, it will automatically send a welcome message with quick setup options.
Welcome Embed Features:
The welcome message includes setup buttons for:
Monster Bot requires Administrator permission to function properly. This allows the bot to access all necessary features without requiring individual permission configuration.
Permission | Reason |
Administrator | Provides all necessary permissions for full bot functionality |
Note: All security modules are disabled by default. Use ,securityhelp
for the full help menu.
Advanced security and moderation system to protect your Discord server against raids, nukes, and other malicious activities.
Prevents mass destruction actions like channel/role deletion and mass bans/kicks.
Key Commands:
,antinuke enable .module
- Enable protection,antinuke set .module threshold to <amount> in <time> do <action>
,antinuke config
- View current settingsAvailable Modules:
- Protects against channel creation/deletion.roles
- Protects against role creation/deletion.webhooks
- Protects against webhook creation/deletion.bans
- Protects against mass bans.kicks
- Protects against mass kicksPunishment Actions:
- Removes all roles and adds quarantine rolekick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Bans the user from the serverExamples:
,antinuke enable .kicks
- Enable kick protection,antinuke set .kicks threshold to 5 in 10s do ban
- Ban users who kick 5+ members in 10 seconds,antinuke set .channels creation threshold to 3 in 1m do quarantine
- Quarantine users who create 3+ channels in 1 minuteStops spam, mass mentions, and malicious links during raid attempts.
Key Commands:
,antiraid enable <spam/mentions/links>
- Enable protection,antiraid disable <spam/mentions/links>
- Disable protection,antiraid set <type> threshold to <amount> in <time> do <action> [duration]
,antiraid config
- View current settings,antiraid help
- Display help informationProtection Types:
- Protects against message spammentions
- Protects against mass mentionslinks
- Filters malicious linksTime Units:
- Secondsm
- Minutesh
- Hoursd
- DaysAvailable Actions:
timeout <duration>
- Timeout user for specified durationquarantine
- Removes roles and restricts accesskick
- Removes from serverban
- Permanently removes from serverExamples:
,antiraid enable spam
- Enable spam protection,antiraid set spam threshold to 5 in 5s do timeout 12h
- Timeout users who send 5+ messages in 5 seconds,antiraid set mentions threshold to 10 in 10s do quarantine
- Quarantine users who send 10+ mentions in 10 secondsProtect your server from text walls and message flooding.
Key Commands:
,antiflood enable
- Enable flood protection,antiflood disable
- Disable flood protection,antiflood set limit <character limit> do <action>
- Configure protection,antiflood config
- View current settings,antiflood help
- Display help informationAvailable Actions:
- Removes roles and restricts accesskick
- Removes from serverban
- Permanently removes from serverExamples:
,antiflood enable
- Enable flood protection,antiflood set limit 2000 do quarantine
- Quarantine users who send messages over 2000 characters,antiflood set limit 5000 do ban
- Ban users who send messages over 5000 charactersProtect your server from emoji spam in messages to maintain chat readability.
Key Commands:
,antiemoji enable
- Enable emoji protection,antiemoji disable
- Disable emoji protection,antiemoji set limit <emoji limit> do <action>
- Configure protection,antiemoji config
- View current settings,antiemoji help
- Display help informationAvailable Actions:
- Removes roles and restricts accesskick
- Removes from serverban
- Permanently removes from serverExamples:
,antiemoji enable
- Enable emoji protection,antiemoji set limit 10 do quarantine
- Quarantine users who send more than 10 emojis in a message,antiemoji set limit 15 do ban
- Ban users who send more than 15 emojis in a messageFilter unwanted words and phrases from your server to maintain a clean chat environment.
Key Commands:
,filter add <word1, word2, word3...>
- Add words to filter,filter remove <word1, word2, word3...>
- Remove words from filter,filter list
- List all filtered words,automod
- Display help informationImportant Notes:
,filter add bad, worse, worst
- Add multiple words to filter,filter remove bad
- Remove a word from filter,filter list
- Show all filtered wordsProtect your server from newly created accounts that may be used for spam or raids.
Key Commands:
,accountsyoungerthan enable
- Enable account age protection,accountsyoungerthan disable
- Disable account age protection,accountsyoungerthan <days>d do <action>
- Configure protection,accountsyoungerthan config
- View current settings,accountsyoungerthan help
- Display help informationAvailable Actions:
- Removes all roles and adds quarantine rolekick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Bans the user from the serverExamples:
,accountsyoungerthan 5d do quarantine
- Quarantine accounts younger than 5 days,accountsyoungerthan 3d do kick
- Kick accounts younger than 3 days,accountsyoungerthan 7d do ban
- Ban accounts younger than 7 daysImportant Notes:
Protect your server from mass bot additions that could be used for raids or spam attacks.
Key Commands:
,botadds enable
- Enable bot addition protection,botadds disable
- Disable bot addition protection,botadds set threshold to <amount> in <time><unit> do <action>
- Configure protection,botadds config
- View current settings,botadds help
- Display help informationTime Units:
- Secondsm
- Minutesh
- Hoursd
- Daysw
- WeeksAvailable Actions:
- Removes all roles and adds quarantine rolekick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Bans the user from the serverExamples:
,botadds set threshold to 3 in 10s do ban
- Ban users who add 3+ bots within 10 seconds,botadds set threshold to 5 in 1h do quarantine
- Quarantine users who add 5+ bots within 1 hour,botadds set threshold to 2 in 30s do kick
- Kick users who add 2+ bots within 30 secondsImportant Notes:
Protect your server from mass channel renaming that could disrupt your server structure.
Key Commands:
,channelrename enable
- Enable channel rename protection,channelrename disable
- Disable channel rename protection,channelrename set threshold to <amount> in <time><unit> do <action>
- Configure protection,channelrename config
- View current settings,channelrename help
- Display help informationTime Units:
- Secondsm
- Minutesh
- Hoursd
- Daysw
- WeeksAvailable Actions:
- Removes all roles and adds quarantine rolekick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Bans the user from the serverExamples:
,channelrename set threshold to 5 in 5s do ban
- Ban users who rename 5+ channels within 5 seconds,channelrename set threshold to 3 in 1m do quarantine
- Quarantine users who rename 3+ channels within 1 minute,channelrename set threshold to 10 in 1h do kick
- Kick users who rename 10+ channels within 1 hourImportant Notes:
Prevent unauthorized users from adding dangerous permissions to roles in your server.
Key Commands:
,harmfulperms enable
- Enable harmful permissions protection,harmfulperms disable
- Disable harmful permissions protection,harmfulperms set action <action>
- Set the action to take,harmfulperms config
- View current settings,harmfulperms help
- Display help informationAvailable Actions:
- Removes roles and restricts accesskick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Permanently removes from serverMonitored Permissions:
,harmfulperms set action ban
- Ban users who add harmful permissions,harmfulperms set action quarantine
- Quarantine users who add harmful permissionsImportant Notes:
Protect your server from suspicious accounts by filtering new members based on various criteria.
Key Commands:
,joingate enable defaultavatar
- Block accounts with default avatars,joingate enable blacklist
- Enable name blacklist checking,joingate disable <defaultavatar/blacklist>
- Disable protection,joingate config
- View current settings,joingate action <kick/ban/quarantine>
- Set action for blocked joins,joingate help
- Display help informationBlacklist Management:
,joingate blacklist add <term>
- Add term to name blacklist,joingate blacklist remove <term>
- Remove term from blacklist,joingate blacklist list
- View blacklisted termsAvailable Actions:
- Removes all roles and adds quarantine rolekick
- Removes from serverban
- Permanently removes from serverExamples:
,joingate enable defaultavatar
- Block users with default Discord avatars,joingate blacklist add spam
- Add "spam" to the name blacklist,joingate action ban
- Ban users who match filter criteriaImportant Notes:
Protect your server from unauthorized role changes by monitoring and limiting role additions, removals, and renames.
Key Commands:
,roleupdates enable .add
- Enable protection for role additions,roleupdates enable .remove
- Enable protection for role removals,roleupdates enable .rename
- Enable protection for role renames,roleupdates disable .[action]
- Disable protection for an action,roleupdates config
- View current settings,roleupdates help
- Display help informationSetting Thresholds:
,roleupdates set .add threshold to [amount] in [time][unit] do [action]
,roleupdates set .remove threshold to [amount] in [time][unit] do [action]
,roleupdates set .rename threshold to [amount] in [time][unit] do [action]
Time Units:
- secondsm
- minutesh
- hoursd
- daysw
- weeksAvailable Actions:
- Removes all roles and restricts accesskick
- Kicks the user from the serverban
- Bans the user from the serverExamples:
,roleupdates enable .add
- Enable protection for role additions,roleupdates set .add threshold to 3 in 5m do quarantine
- Quarantine users who add 3+ roles in 5 minutes,roleupdates set .remove threshold to 5 in 10m do ban
- Ban users who remove 5+ roles in 10 minutesImportant Notes:
Protect your server by requiring new members to verify before accessing channels. Control access with customizable verification settings.
Key Commands:
- Display verification system help,setupverification
- Set up the verification system,memberrole set <role>
- Set the role given after verification,memberrole view
- View the current member role,memberrole remove
- Remove the member role setting,removeverification
- Remove the verification systemSetup Process:
Important Notes:
- Create the verification system,memberrole set @Member
- Set the Member role as the verification role,removeverification
- Remove the verification system completelyProtect your server by whitelisting trusted users and roles who will be exempt from security restrictions and anti-nuke measures.
User Whitelist Commands:
,whitelist add @user
- Add a user to the whitelist,whitelist remove @user
- Remove a user from the whitelist,whitelist view
- View all whitelisted usersRole Whitelist Commands:
,whitelistrole add <role>
- Add a role to the whitelist,whitelistrole remove <role>
- Remove a role from the whitelist,whitelistrole view
- View all whitelisted rolesImportant Notes:
,whitelist add @TrustedMod
- Add TrustedMod to the whitelist,whitelistrole add Admin
- Add the Admin role to the whitelist,whitelist view
- Display all whitelisted usersDesignate trusted users as bot administrators who can access and manage all bot commands and features.
Bot Admin Commands:
,botadmin add @user
- Add a user as a bot administrator,botadmin remove @user
- Remove a user from bot administrators,botadmin view
- View all bot administratorsImportant Notes:
,botadmin add @TrustedAdmin
- Add TrustedAdmin as a bot administrator,botadmin remove @FormerAdmin
- Remove FormerAdmin from bot administrators,botadmin view
- Display all current bot administrators,securityhelp
- Shows the main security help menu,securitymodule list
- View all available modules,securitymodule enable/disable <module>
- Manage modules,botadmin add/remove/view <@user>
- Manage bot admins,whitelist add/remove/view <@user>
- Manage trusted users,whitelistrole add/remove/view <role>
- Manage trusted roles,setlogchannel <#channel>
- Set logging channel for security events,quarantine <@user> [reason]
- Manually quarantine a user,unquarantine <@user>
- Remove a user from quarantine,setupquarantine
- Sets up the Quarantined role and permissions,quarantinerole protection <enable/disable>
- Configure quarantine role protection,quarantinerole do <quarantine/kick/ban>
- Set action for unauthorized edits
Note: All security modules are disabled by default. Use ,securityhelp
for the full help menu.
The Moderation Module provides powerful tools to manage your server, enforce rules, and handle rule violations efficiently with a complete punishment system.
Enforce server rules with these moderation commands:
,warn <@user/ID/username> [reason]
- Warn a user,mute <@user/ID/username> <duration> [reason]
- Temporarily mute a user,unmute <@user/ID/username>
- Remove a mute from a user,timeout <@user/ID/username> <duration> [reason]
- Timeout a user,untimeout <@user/ID/username>
- Remove a timeout from a user,kick <@user/ID/username> [reason]
- Kick a user from the server,ban <@user/ID/username> [reason]
- Ban a user from the server,tempban <@user/ID/username> <duration> [reason]
- Temporarily ban a user,softban <@user/ID/username> [reason]
- Ban and immediately unban to delete messages,unban <user_id> [reason]
- Unban a user,jail <@user/ID/username> [reason]
- Restrict a user to a jail channel,unjail <@user/ID/username>
- Release a user from jail,viewjail
- View all currently jailed users,jailsetup
- Set up the jail system,jailrole <@role/ID>
- Change the jail role,nickname <@user/ID/username> [new nickname]
- Change a user's nickname,forcenick <@user/ID/username> [nickname]
- Force a permanent nickname,forcenicks
- List all users with forced nicknamesDuration format examples:
Manage and control your server channels:
- Lock down the current channel for specified roles,unlockdown
- Remove lockdown restrictions from the channel,lockserver
- Lock down all channels in the server,unlockserver
- Unlock all channels in the server,lockrole add/remove <role>
- Add or remove roles that can be locked,renamechannel <new name>
- Rename the current channel,slowmode on <time>/off
- Set or turn off slowmode for the channel,topic <new topic>
- Change the topic of the current channel,snipe [number]
- View recently deleted messages,editsnipe [number]
- View recently edited messages,clearsnipe
- Clear snipe history (requires Manage Messages permission)Efficiently manage your server with bulk moderation tools:
,purge <amount>
- Delete a specified number of messages,purge <@user> <amount>
- Delete messages from a specific user,purgecontaining <text>
- Delete messages containing specific text,botclear
- Delete bot messages and commands,linkpurge [amount]
- Delete messages containing links,imagepurge [amount]
- Delete messages containing images,gifpurge [amount]
- Delete messages containing GIFs,emojipurge [amount]
- Delete messages containing emojis,stickerpurge [amount]
- Delete messages containing stickers,reactionpurge <amount>
- Remove all reactions from messages,slowmode <seconds>
- Set channel slowmodeManage server roles with these commands:
,role <@user/ID/username> <role1, role2, ...>
- Toggle roles for a user,roles
- View all server roles,roleinfo <role>
- View detailed information about a role,createrole <name> [color hex]
- Create a new role,deleterole <role>
- Delete a role,renamerole <role> <new name>
- Rename a role,rolecolor <role> <color hex>
- Change a role's color,roleicon <role> <emoji/URL>
- Set a role's icon,hoist <role> <position>
- Change a role's position,addpermission <permission> <role>
- Add a permission to a role,removepermission <permission> <role>
- Remove a permission from a role,roleall humans/bots add/remove <role>
- Add/remove role from all humans/bots,rolerestore <user>
- Restore roles for a user who recently rejoinedConfigure DM notifications sent to users when they receive punishments:
- View current settings,punishmentdm help
- Show help information,punishmentdm enableall
- Enable all DM notifications,punishmentdm disableall
- Disable all DM notifications,punishmentdm <action> enable/disable
- Toggle specific notification,punishmentdm set <action> <message>
- Set custom DM message,punishmentdm reset <action>
- Reset message to defaultAvailable actions:
Message placeholders:
- Server name{reason}
- Punishment reason{duration}
- Duration (for tempban/timeout){moderator}
- Moderator nameExamples:
,punishmentdm ban enable
- Enable ban notifications,punishmentdm set ban You were banned from {server} by {moderator}.\nReason: {reason}
,punishmentdm reset warn
- Reset warn message to defaultDifferent moderation commands require different permission levels:
Who can use moderation commands:
Note: All moderation actions are logged in your designated moderation log channel. Use ,moderation
for the full moderation help menu.
The Tickets Module provides a comprehensive support ticket system for your Discord server, allowing members to create tickets for various purposes such as support requests, reports, or applications.
Quickly set up a complete ticket system with a single command:
This command automatically creates:
Create and manage specialized support teams for different ticket types:
- View all support teams,createsupportteam
- Create a new support team,deletesupportteam
- Delete a support team,addtoteam --teamname --rolename
- Add role to support team,removefromteam
- Remove role from team,supportping --teamname --enable/--disable
- Toggle team pings,assignteam
- Assign team to ticket category,unassignteam --team teamname
- Unassign team from categoryMonitor your support staff's performance and activity with detailed statistics:
This command shows:
Stats are automatically cleared after 30 days.
Automatically close inactive tickets or tickets where the member has left the server:
,autoclose inactivity enable
- Enable auto-closing for inactive tickets,autoclose inactivity disable
- Disable auto-closing for inactive tickets,autoclose inactivity on <time>
- Set inactivity time (e.g., 3s, 1m, 1h, 2d, 1w),autoclose onmemberleave enable
- Enable auto-closing when member leaves,autoclose onmemberleave disable
- Disable auto-closing when member leaves,autoclose config
- View current autoclose configuration,autoclose help
- Display help for autoclose commandsBenefits of auto-closing tickets:
Prevent specific users from creating tickets with the blacklist system:
,blacklist <@user/ID/username>
- Add a user to the blacklist,tempblacklist <@user/ID/username> <duration>
- Temporarily blacklist a user (e.g., 1h, 1d, 1w),unblacklist <@user/ID/username>
- Remove a user from the blacklist,viewblacklist
- View all blacklisted users (paginated list),clearblacklist
- Clear the entire blacklist (requires confirmation)Who can use blacklist commands:
Benefits of the blacklist system:
Manage ticket administrators who have special permissions to handle all tickets:
,addadmin <@user/ID>
- Add a user as a ticket admin,removeadmin <@user/ID>
- Remove a user from ticket admins,viewadmins
- View all ticket administratorsWho can manage ticket admins:
Ticket admin privileges:
Configure and manage ticket transcripts with these powerful commands:
,settranscriptchannel #channel
- Set a channel where all ticket transcripts will be sent,dmtranscript on/off
- Toggle whether transcripts are sent via DM when tickets are closed,dmtranscript config
- View current DM transcript setting,gettranscript
- Retrieve the transcript of the current ticket channel,viewtranscripts @user/ID
- View all transcripts for a specific userWho can manage transcripts:
Transcript features:
- View ticket system overview and commands,panelcreate
- Create a new ticket panel,multipanelcreate --title <title> --description <description> --button1 <name> --button2 <name> ...
- Create a panel with multiple buttons for different ticket categories,removetickets
- Removes all ticket-related channels and categories,close
- Close a ticket,claim
- Claim a ticket as staff,unclaim
- Unclaim a ticket,add <@user>
- Add a user to a ticket,remove <@user>
- Remove a user from a ticket
Note: Ticket transcripts are automatically saved when tickets are closed. Use ,tickets
for the full help menu.
Create and manage custom voice channels with advanced controls for your server members.
Setup and manage the VoiceMaster system for your server.
Setup Commands:
,voicemaster setup
- Creates the VoiceMaster category, "Join to Create" channel, and interface channel,voicemaster interface
- Sends the control interface to the current channelRequirements:
Control your custom voice channel with these commands.
Channel Control Commands:
,voicemaster lock
- Lock your voice channel to prevent others from joining,voicemaster unlock
- Unlock your voice channel,voicemaster ghost
- Hide your voice channel from other users,voicemaster reveal
- Make your voice channel visible again,voicemaster claim
- Claim ownership of an empty voice channel,voicemaster disconnect @user
- Disconnect a user from your voice channel,voicemaster permit @user
- Allow a specific user to join your locked channel,voicemaster view
- View information about your voice channel,voicemaster start
- Start a Discord activity in your voice channel,voicemaster increase
- Increase the user limit of your voice channel,voicemaster decrease
- Decrease the user limit of your voice channelRequirements:
The VoiceMaster interface provides easy access to all voice channel controls.
Available Buttons:
🔒 Lock
- Lock the voice channel🔓 Unlock
- Unlock the voice channel👻 Ghost
- Hide the voice channel👁️ Reveal
- Reveal the voice channel👑 Claim
- Claim ownership of the channel⭕ Disconnect
- Disconnect a member📊 View
- View channel information🎮 Start
- Start an activity➕ Increase
- Increase user limit➖ Decrease
- Decrease user limit🎫 Permit
- Allow a user to joinHow It Works:
Note: Use ,voicemaster help
to view all available commands and their descriptions.
The Music Module allows you to play music from YouTube directly in your Discord voice channels, with high-quality audio playback and queue management.
Control music playback with these commands:
,play <song name or URL>
- Play a song or add it to the queue,pause
- Pause the currently playing music,resume
- Resume the paused music,skip
- Skip the current song,stop
- Stop playing and clear the queue,queue
- Display the current music queue,leave
- Make the bot leave the voice channelUsage examples:
,play despacito
- Searches for and plays the song,play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
- Plays the song from URLThe Music Module includes these features:
Note: You must be in a voice channel to use music commands. The bot will automatically join your voice channel when you use the play command.
The Last.fm Module allows users to connect their Last.fm accounts and track their music listening statistics directly in Discord.
Connect your Last.fm account with these commands:
,fm set <username>
- Connect your Last.fm account,fm cc <trigger>
- Set a custom command trigger,fm cc remove
- Remove your custom commandCustom command example:
as your custom command with ,fm cc np
to show your current trackDisplay your current playing track:
- Show your current playing track,fm @user
- Show another user's current trackThe Now Playing display includes:
View your listening statistics:
- Display your top 5 artists,topalbums
- Display your top 5 albums,toptracks
- Display your top 5 tracks,topgenres
- Display your top genres,plays
- Show your total scrobble count,overview
- Show a summary of your statsYou can mention a user with any command:
,topartists @user
- See another user's top artists,topalbums @user
- See another user's top albumsCheck detailed statistics for specific artists and albums:
,albumplays <album> | <artist>
- Check plays for a specific album,artisttracks <artist>
- Show your top tracks for an artistServer Leaderboards:
,albumleaderboard <album> | <artist>
- Server leaderboard for an album,trackleaderboard <track> | <artist>
- Server leaderboard for a track
Note: Use ,lastfm
or ,fmhelp
to view all available commands and their descriptions.
The Levels Module provides an engaging XP and leveling system for your server, allowing members to gain experience through activity and climb the ranks.
Configure and manage the leveling system:
,level enable
- Enable the leveling system,level disable
- Disable the leveling system,level config
- View current settings,level channel set #channel
- Set level-up notification channel,level channel disable
- Disable level-up notifications,level help
- Display help menuView level stats:
,level view
- View your own level stats,level view @user
- View another user's level statsManage user experience points:
,level addxp <amount> <@user>
- Add XP to a user,level removexp <amount> <@user>
- Remove XP from a user,level resetxp <@user>
- Reset user's XP to 0Blacklist Management:
,level blacklist add <@role>
- Add role to XP blacklist,level blacklist remove <@role>
- Remove role from blacklist,level blacklist list
- View blacklisted rolesWhen viewing level stats, users can see:
Who can manage the leveling system:
Note: Users with blacklisted roles will not earn XP. Configure the system to match your server's activity levels and reward structure.
The Auto-Role Module automatically assigns roles to new members when they join your server, helping streamline the onboarding process.
Configure the auto-role system with these commands:
,autorole enable
- Enable the auto-role system,autorole disable
- Disable the auto-role system,autorole add <roleName>
- Add a role to the auto-role list,autorole remove <roleName>
- Remove a role from the auto-role list,autorole list
- View all configured auto-roles,autorole config
- View current auto-role settings,autorole help
- Display help informationExamples:
,autorole add Member
- Add the "Member" role to auto-role list,autorole remove VIP
- Remove the "VIP" role from auto-role list,autorole enable
- Turn on the auto-role systemWhen using the auto-role system, keep in mind:
Note: The auto-role system is disabled by default. Use ,autorole enable
to activate it after adding roles.
The Echo Module allows you to set up channels where messages are automatically echoed from one channel to another, creating a seamless communication bridge between different parts of your server.
Configure echo channels with these commands:
,echo enable
- Enable the echo system,echo disable
- Disable the echo system,echo channel add human #channel bot #channel
- Set up an echo channel,echo channel remove #channel
- Remove an echo channel,echo list
- List all echo channels,echo config
- View current settingsExample setup:
,echo channel add human #announcements bot #staff-announcements
,echo enable
The echo system is perfect for:
Effectively manage your echo system with these tips:
,echo list
to see all active echo channels
Note: Only administrators, bot admins, and the server owner can configure the echo system. Use ,echo help
for a quick command reference.
The Welcome Module allows you to send customized welcome messages when new members join your server, helping create a friendly first impression.
Manage your welcome system with these commands:
,welcome enable
- Enable welcome messages,welcome disable
- Disable welcome messages,welcome config
- View current settings,welcome help
- Display welcome module helpWho can use welcome commands:
Customize your welcome messages:
,welcome channel set #channel
- Set welcome channel,welcome message set <message>
- Set welcome messageMessage Variables:
- Member's username{mention}
- Member mention{server}
- Server name{membercount}
- Server member countExample:
,welcome message set Welcome {mention} to {server}! You are member #{membercount}
Tips for creating effective welcome messages:
Note: Welcome messages will only be sent if both a welcome channel and message are configured, and the system is enabled. Use ,welcome config
to verify your settings.
Create and manage interactive giveaways for your server members with customizable prizes and durations.
Start a new giveaway with customizable prize, duration, and winner count:
,giveaway start <prize> <duration> <winners>
- The item or service being given away<duration>
- How long the giveaway will last (e.g., 1h, 1d, 1w)<winners>
- Number of winners to selectExample:
,giveaway start Discord Nitro 24h 1
Commands to manage active and completed giveaways:
,giveaway end <message_id>
- End a giveaway early,giveaway reroll <message_id>
- Select a new winner for a completed giveawayRequirements:
Key features of the giveaway system:
Note: Giveaways automatically end after the specified duration. Winners are randomly selected from all participants who clicked the entry button.
The Fun module provides a variety of entertaining commands to liven up your server and engage members.
Commands to entertain your server members:
,8ball <question>
- Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question,coinflip
- Flip a coin to get heads or tails,diceroll [number of dice]d[sides]
- Roll dice with custom sides,fact
- Get a random interesting fact,fortune
- Receive a random fortune prediction,joke
- Hear a random joke to brighten your day,trivia
- Test your knowledge with random trivia questions,gambling
- View information about the gambling system,daily
- Claim your daily points reward,balance [@user]
- Check your or another user's gambling balance,slots <amount>
- Play the slot machine with your points,roulette <red/black> <number> <bet amount>
- Bet on roulette,transfer <@user> <amount>
- Transfer points to another userExamples:
,8ball Will I have a good day today?
,diceroll 2d6
- Roll two six-sided dice,slots 100
- Bet 100 points on slots,roulette red 7 50
- Bet 50 points on red 7Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question and receive a mystical answer. Responses range from positive to negative with some neutral answers in between.
Flip a virtual coin that will land on either heads or tails. Perfect for making quick decisions or settling friendly disputes.
Roll virtual dice with customizable number of dice and sides. If no arguments are provided, defaults to rolling one six-sided die (1d6).
Receive a random interesting fact about the world, science, history, or nature. Learn something new every day!
Get a mystical fortune prediction about your future. Will your fortune be good or will you need to be cautious?
Hear a random joke to brighten your day and bring some laughter to your server. Perfect for breaking the ice or lightening the mood.
Test your knowledge with random trivia questions on various topics. Answer by clicking the interactive buttons with multiple-choice options.
View information about the gambling system, including available games, odds, payouts, and how to get started with earning and betting points.
Claim your daily points reward. Build a streak by claiming daily rewards consistently to earn bonus points - each day adds a 10% bonus (up to 100%).
Check your or another user's gambling balance, view gambling statistics including win rate and net profit, and see when your next daily reward is available.
Play the slot machine with your points. Match three symbols for a jackpot (2x your bet), two symbols for a smaller win (1x your bet), or lose your bet with no matches.
Bet on roulette by choosing a color (red/black) and number. Win 3x your bet if both match, 2x if only the number matches, 0.5x if only the color matches.
Transfer points to another user with a 5% transaction fee. A great way to share your winnings or help out new members.
Key features of the fun commands:
Note: Fun commands are designed to increase engagement in your server and provide entertainment for your members. They're perfect for breaking the ice or keeping conversations going during quiet periods.
The Media module provides various image manipulation commands to enhance, modify, and transform images shared in your server.
Commands to manipulate and transform images:
Increase the brightness of an image. You can specify a brightness percentage between 1% and 100%, with 50% as the default.
Add a text caption to an image in the classic meme style. Perfect for creating quick memes from any image.
Decrease the brightness of an image. You can specify a darkness percentage between 1% and 100%, with 30% as the default.
Apply various distortion effects to an image, creating a surreal or glitched appearance with color shifts and blurring.
Convert a static image into an animated GIF with subtle movement effects, bringing still images to life.
How to use the media commands:
,brighten https://example.com/image.jpg 75%
- Brighten an image by 75%,caption This is funny https://example.com/image.jpg
- Add "This is funny" caption to an image,darken https://example.com/image.jpg 50%
- Darken an image by 50%,distort https://example.com/image.jpg
- Apply distortion effects to an image,togif https://example.com/image.jpg
- Convert an image to an animated GIFKey features of the media commands:
Note: All media commands require a direct link to an image. For best results, use direct image links that end with file extensions like .jpg, .png, .gif, or .webp. Some image hosting services may block access to their images, so using Discord image links or other public image hosts is recommended.
The Template module allows server administrators to quickly set up their server with pre-configured channels, roles, and settings.
Commands to manage server templates:
,template list
- List all available server templates,template apply
- Apply a server template to your server,template info
- View detailed information about a template,template remove
- Remove a previously applied template from your serverRequirements:
Key features of the template system:
When removing a template, the following will be deleted:
Note: Templates are designed to work best on new or empty servers. Applying templates to established servers may result in duplicate channels or roles.
The Booster Role module allows server boosters to create and customize their own special roles as a reward for boosting the server.
Commands available to server boosters:
,boosterrole create <name>
- Create your custom booster role,boosterrole delete
- Delete your booster role,boosterrole rename <new name>
- Rename your booster role,boosterrole color <#color>
- Change your booster role color,boosterrole icon <emoji or URL>
- Set a custom icon for your role (requires server boost level 2),boosterrole share <@user>
- Share your booster role with someone else,boosterrole unshare <@user>
- Unshare your booster role,boosterrole
- Display help information for booster role commandsRequirements:
Commands available to server administrators:
,boosterrole settings
- View current booster role settings,boosterrole settings hoist <yes/no>
- Control whether booster roles appear separately in the member list,boosterrole cleanup
- Delete empty booster rolesKey features of the booster role system:
Note: Booster roles are a great way to reward server boosters with unique customization options. They help incentivize boosting and create a more vibrant server community.
The Utility module provides a collection of useful commands for server management and information retrieval.
Commands to retrieve information about users:
,userinfo [user]
- Display detailed information about a user,avatar [user]
- Display a user's avatar,banner [user]
- Display a user's banner,serveravatar [user]
- Display a user's server-specific avatar,afk [message]
- Set your AFK status with an optional messageCommands to retrieve information about the server:
- Display detailed information about the server,servericon
- Display the server's icon,serverbanner
- Display the server's banner,boosters
- List all server boosters,bots
- List all bots in the server,inrole <role>
- List all members with a specific role,banlist
- List all banned users in the serverCommands for server management:
,renameserver <new name>
- Rename the server (requires Manage Server permission)Getting user information:
,userinfo @username
Displays account creation date, join date, roles, and more.
Finding members with a role:
,inrole Moderator
Lists all members with the "Moderator" role.
Setting AFK status:
,afk Going to lunch, back in 30 minutes
Sets your AFK status with the specified message.
Note: Some commands require specific permissions to use. For example, ,banlist
requires the Ban Members permission, and ,renameserver
requires the Manage Server permission.
Command | Description | Usage |
,prefix | View or change the server prefix | ,prefix [new_prefix] |
,restrictcommand | Restrict or unrestrict commands to specific roles | ,restrictcommand <command> <rolename> |
,listrestrictions | List all command restrictions in the server | ,listrestrictions |
,alias | Manage command aliases for your server | ,alias add/remove/list <command> <alias> |
,commandcount | Shows the total number of commands in the bot | ,commandcount |
You can change the bot prefix using the ,prefix [new_prefix]
command. For example: ,prefix !
would change the prefix to "!".
Yes, Monster Bot is designed to work alongside other Discord bots without conflicts.
You can report bugs by joining our support server and creating a ticket in the #bug-reports channel.
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